Homeopathic Cancer Has Anyone Heard Of Or Used A Homeopathic Med For Cancer Called Haelan 951?

Has anyone heard of or used a Homeopathic med for cancer called Haelan 951? - homeopathic cancer

If you have heard of him, if you present the results, how, if at all.


bookshop... said...

Homeopathy does not work. What homeopathy is not taken, a small quantity of a substance, say somewhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times, and that the dilutions are as or more effective than the original substance is diluted. The problem is, if a substance is diluted to a level in homeopathy is recommended that there is nothing really concrete on the left side! Here's a good explanation of the process is http://www.randi.org/jr/02-02-2001.html dilution. The article is too long, copy, and here.

Here are some links to explain what is homeopathy, and the actual tests were conducted to determine whether it works or not:

http://www.badscience.net/2007/11/a-kind ...
http://www.randi.org/jr/200512/123005mus ...
http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRela ...
http://forums.randi.org/tags.php?tag=hom ...
http://www.randi.org/encyclopedia/homeop ...

Please do not let you have your healthNDS someone who has absolutely no science to support his assertions, not verifiable proof, no evidence is repeatable, there is no double-blind studies .... In other words, do not die just because homeopathic "remedies" being easier than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, that the DoD has recommended.

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